Monday, December 13, 2004

The Purpose of Blogging

Gideon Strauss has issued himself a challenge: to speak Christianly to the wider world. It is a wonderful challenge that I think needs to be heard, proclaimed, promolgated in the wider Christian ghetto.

However, after thinking about his challenge, I've decided to go the other way. Cultural engagement is a Christian necessity and I'm glad that someone like Gideon is going to be leading the way. I myself, though, feel the calling to 'stay in the ghetto' as it were and proclaim the third-way to its dwellers. 'Judgement begins at the house of God' and I feel the need to talk to the Church about God's way as I understand it (that last clause is very important as I do not pretend to speak for God).

Does this mean that I'm trying to contravert Gideon? Ma Genito (Paul's phrase in Romans for "May it not be" or KJV "God forbid")! No, this is just an example of the Body of Christ metaphor taken up and developed by Paul--we need people inside and outside the walls to be proclaiming the message, engaging the world, and 'taking dominion' in the Genesis sort of way. I think that these approaches are nothing if not complementary--the Church cannot turn away from the world, but it cannot turn totally away from itself either.

So, my posts will probably be more directed towards Christians of all stripes; they will seek to integrate Biblical faith with contemporary faithfulness; they will (Lord willing) wisely engage all of life--politics, economics, agriculture, art, theology, linguistics, etc. It will (again, Lord willing) be where Torah (Law) and Hocmah (Wisdom) meet over a cup of Fair Trade...

Iesous Christos Kurious estin...


Sean Purcell said...

the "raging dualist" is watching you...

~greg said...

I agree "wholeheartedly." My blog on the other hand is a different cell with in that body. Not that I don't think that torah and all that is not important just a different part of God's work. What is interesting is that Os Guiness, says that his calling is to tell the church about the world, and the world about the church, sounds to me like a big job, he does it quite well though.

as a side note, does this site allow any greek fonts, I took greek back in the day, but would be helped alot if you explained the words you are using more, anyway...

Gideon Strauss said...

And I am cheering you on! Yes, I think both options are valid (and there are further options).

That said, over at my blog I am wondering:

"It is [...] important to have a vigorous dialogue over the medium-term cultural purposes of such a movement: How do we want to change the world? What difference do we want to make to the common life, in the public square, in service of our neighbours? How does the long-long-term messianic cause of the Reign of God - Pro Rege - translate into particular historical responsibilities in our own generation, and the next few generations?"

I would be delighted to hear what you think are the cultural priorities for neocalvinists in our time.